Saturday, February 10, 2007

Morning Views of Bukit Jelutong

Early Saturday morning, my other half and me were on our way to Ali's Corner for a quick breakfast before continuing with our weekly grocery shopping at the nearby shop. As I was negotiating the round-about at Persiaran Singgahsana, my attention was struck by the beautiful morning sun rising in the east, slightly blocked by the Guthrie Pavilion. The view was breathtaking and I quickly made a nine o'clock turn to the unused road leading to Jalan Jendela to capture the moment with my camera, which happened to be with me. These are some photos that I took for your appreciation.

Almost week earlier on Sunday, we also spent few minutes in front of Masjid Negeri Shah Alam and snapped few photos just before Maghreb time. As the weather was a bit overcast, I could not get enough shutter speed for comfort as I did not bring my tripod. Nonetheless, I tried my luck and managed to capture 1 or 2 photos which IMHO, kinda caught my eyes.

As usual, my other half was the obedient assistance and while I was busy snapping, she was busy reading !

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